Welcome to Amphi!
Visit us at
Långholmsgatan 21
117 33 Stockholm
Registered address
Amphi Produktion AB
Borgargatan 16 A
117 34 Stockholm
Amphi Studio
Bergsundsgatan 17B
117 34 Stockholm
Contact us
08-400 504 42
Our team
Angela is Amphi’s operations manager and is responsible for leading our company, with care and inclusion as her compass.
Her most prioritised work-environment related issues are ensuring the availability of caffeine and everyone’s equal right to roar loudly about annoying technology.
Narges has a bachelor of laws and specialises in intersectional perspectives on domestic violence, routine development and follow-up work. She loves watching cooking shows on Youtube as well as programs where people clean.
Johanna works strategically with inclusive change work and has specialised competence in norm criticism, including leadership and group processes. Johanna is proficient in boxing and carpentry — but preferably not at the same time.
Debhora works with film technology and is responsible for everything that happens behind the camera in our film productions. She works best when editing film in a dark room with a cup of coffee in hand.
Lisa works as a group facilitator with the aim of supporting educators and coordinators in matters concerning education methodology, group leadership and domestic violence. Her laughter is usually the loudest in the room — both at morning meetings and after work gatherings.
Ida educates and leads change processes related to domestic violence, substance use problems, trauma and LGBTQI+ issues. She secretly dreams of hosting the SVT show ”Min sanning”.
Per is the CEO of Amphi and also serves as executive producer in our film productions. He enjoys still photography, cuddling with cats and collecting data in Excel spreadsheets.
Wendy leads group processes and projects with a focus on anti-racist organisational development and power-conscious communication. She also works strategically, creatively and operationally with Amphi’s external communication. Invite her to brunch and she’ll be your friend for life.
Benedetta is responsible for design at Amphi and leads our work on visual and power-critical communication.
Najla specialises in domestic violence and honour-related violence and oppression, anti-racism and migration. She is really good at playing basketball and can easily dribble circles around her colleagues if needed.
Emma works with the strategic management of Amphi with a focus on research and communication. With a background in gender studies, she has worked in all of Amphi’s areas as an educator, project manager and producer.
Visit us
Amphi’s office is located in Hornstull, Stockholm. We are happy to welcome you here for meetings and workshops. Amphi also has a creative studio for recording films and live events, located a few minutes away at Bergsunds Strand 17B. Get to know our team here and find out more about Amphi Studio!
Curious to learn more?
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