Doctors Without Borders Sweden

Anticolonial perspectives on communications strategies

Power-conscious communication


Doctors Without Borders has always aimed for their external communication to provide a realistic depiction of the organization’s humanitarian work and the people it affects, including staff, patients, and the local communities in which they operate. Language and imagery in all types of communication products should respect people’s dignity, avoid portraying vulnerable individuals as victims, and steer clear of the heroic portrayal of white aid workers.

The organisation contacted Amphi to take a comprehensive approach and scrutinise its communication channels. They wanted to ensure that the organisation’s principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion permeated its communication and that the anti-racist and anti-colonial perspective was ingrained in both words and images.

We began with an analysis of Doctors Without Borders’ communication materials, both digital and print. This was followed by a workshop where participants were encouraged to scrutinize and reshape the communication material themselves using a power-conscious perspective.


  • Power-conscious perspectives on humanitarian work
  • Analysis with a post-colonial and anti-racist perspective
  • Understanding the interaction between text and image
  • Tone in depicting crisis situations
  • Adherence to internal guidelines
  • NGOs, representation and tokenism


More than just a report, the outcome of the collaboration is a guide for the future. ”MSF Sweden’s Communication” will serve as a central instrument for the organisation’s ongoing development of its communications strategy.

Emmanuelle Sylvain

+ 46 (0)70 8602771